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![]() Redwood Coast Medical Services (RCMS) is pleased to announce that, in collaboration with the Mendocino County Health Department and the UCSF Lab, we will be performing another free COVID19 drive-through screening event in our community. This screening is for ASYMPTOMATIC people (those without symptoms). Gualala Sunday, September 27, 2020 9:00 am to Noon or until swabs run out RCMS Gualala Clinic Upper Parking Lot, 46900 Ocean Drive, Gualala Logistics: Please enter the screening from Highway 1 via Church Street. You will exit via Ocean Drive Who Can be Screened:
Procedure: You will be screened in your car. If you walk in, we will have chairs where you can sit to be screened. If there is more than one person in your car, you will be asked to briefly step out of your car for screening. This is done so that you do not contaminate others in the car while screened. While we do our best to respect your privacy, this is a public/outside event, and we cannot guarantee privacy during your screening. Results: Your results are reported by UCSF to the Mendocino Health Department and you. If you test positive, you will receive a phone call – generally within the first few days after testing. If you test negative, you will NOT receive a phone call. If you get no phone call by Monday October 5, you are a presumptive NEGATIVE. Please note that RCMS does NOT receive the results of this screening. Therefore, please contact RCMS if you test positive so that we can take care of you! It is not possible to provide you with paperwork that proves you were screened if you test negative. Why Get Tested: Please be aware that COVID19 is on the rise in Mendocino and Sonoma Counties. Testing events such as this allow us to locate and isolate/quarantine asymptomatic positive cases and their contacts, and is ultimately very protective of the community. It also allows the Health Department to monitor the prevalence of the infection in our community. Thank you for getting screened! Thank you to our community and medical volunteers who assist at these events. We appreciate you. ![]() Redwood Coast Medical Services (RCMS) se complace en anunciar que, en colaboración con el Departamento de Salud del Condado de Mendocino y el Laboratorio de UCSF, realizaremos otro evento de detección de COVID19 gratuito en nuestra comunidad. Este examen es para personas ASINTOMÁTICAS (aquellas que no presentan síntomas). Gualala Domingo 27 de septiembre de 2020 9:00am a 12:00pm o hasta que se agotan las pruebas Estacionamiento de arriba en la clínica RCMS Gualala, 46900 Ocean Drive, Gualala Logística: Por favor, accede a través de la autopista 1 y gire por Church Street y siga las insturcciones de los voluntarios. NO entre través de Ocean Drive. Saldrá por Ocean Drive. Quien puede ser examinado:
Número de pruebas disponibles: Un total de 150 pruebas estarán disponibles. Todos las pruebas se realizan por orden de llegada. Procedimiento: Será examinado en su automóvil. Si entra, tendremos sillas donde puede sentarse para que lo revisen. Si hay más de una persona en su automóvil, se le pedirá que salga brevemente de su automóvil para su prueba. Esto se hace para que no contamine a otras personas en el automóvil mientras está revisado. Si bien hacemos todo lo posible por respetar su privacidad, este es un evento público / externo, y no podemos garantizar la privacidad durante su prueba. Resultados: UCSF informa sus resultados al Departamento de Salud de Mendocino y a usted. Si la prueba es positiva, recibirá una llamada telefónica, generalmente dentro de los primeros días después de la prueba. Si la prueba es negativa, NO recibirá una llamada telefónica. Si no recibe ninguna llamada telefónica antes del lunes 5 de octubre, es un presunto NEGATIVO. Tenga en cuenta que RCMS NO recibe los resultados de esta evaluación. Por lo tanto, comuníquese con RCMS si obtiene un resultado positivo para que podamos atenderlo. No es posible proporcionarle documentación que demuestre que fue examinado si la prueba es negativa. Por qué hacerse la prueba: tenga en cuenta que COVID19 está aumentando en los condados de Mendocino y Sonoma. Pruebas de eventos como este nos permiten localizar y aislar / poner en cuarentena casos positivos asintomáticos y sus contactos, y en última instancia, es muy protector de la comunidad. También le permite al Departamento de Salud monitorear la prevalencia de la infección en nuestra comunidad. ¡Gracias por hacerse la prueba! Gracias a nuestra comunidad y voluntarios médicos que ayudan en estos eventos. Nosotros te apreciamos ![]() Jessi Maness, LCSW and Mark Minder, LCSW the RCMS behavioral health providers, spoke with Leigh Anne Lindsey on KGUA about mental health and how to cope during these trying times. Here is a link to the replay in case you missed it: https://m.soundcloud.com/kgua/rcms-new-mental-health-providers-on-how-to-cope ![]() Barbara Brittell, RCMS COVID-19 response lead and Urgent Care provider participated in the recent Gualala Municipal Advisory Council (GMAC) virtual town hall. Here is a link to the replay in case you missed it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ybk_CdUXAXc General outline of presentation: 0 - 2:20 - Introductory and overview comments by Tom Murphy with GMAC 2:21 - 24:39 - Barb Brittell with RCMS 24:40 - 36:25 - School Superintendent Warren Galletti 36:25 - 46:05 - Mendocino County Sheriff Matt Kendall 46:05 - end - Question and Answers ![]() Redwood Coast Medical Services (RCMS) is pleased to announce that, in collaboration with the Mendocino County Health Department and the UCSF Lab, we will be performing another free COVID19 drive-through screening event in our community. This screening is for ASYMPTOMATIC people (those without symptoms). Gualala Sunday, September 13, 2020 9:00 AM to Noon or until swabs run out RCMS Gualala Clinic Upper Parking Lot, 46900 Ocean Drive, Gualala Logistics: Please enter the screening from Highway 1 via Church Street. You will exit via Ocean Drive Who Can be Screened:
Number of Tests Available: A total of 150 tests will be available. All screening is done on a first come, first served basis. Procedure: You will be screened in your car. If you walk in, we will have chairs where you can sit to be screened. If there is more than one person in your car, you will be asked to briefly step out of your car for screening. This is done so that you do not contaminate others in the car while screened. While we do our best to respect your privacy, this is a public/outside event, and we cannot guarantee privacy during your screening. Results: Your results are reported by UCSF to the Mendocino Health Department and you. If you test positive, you will receive a phone call – generally within the first few days after testing. If you test negative, you will NOT receive a phone call. If you get no phone call by Monday Sept 21, you are a presumptive NEGATIVE. Please note that RCMS does NOT receive the results of this screening. Therefore, please contact RCMS if you test positive so that we can take care of you! It is not possible to provide you with paperwork that proves you were screened if you test negative. Why Get Tested: Please be aware that COVID19 is on the rise in Mendocino and Sonoma Counties. Testing events such as this allow us to locate and isolate/quarantine asymptomatic positive cases and their contacts, and is ultimately very protective of the community. It also allows the Health Department to monitor the prevalence of the infection in our community. Thank you for getting screened! Thank you to our community and medical volunteers who assist at these events. We appreciate you. ![]() Redwood Coast Medical Services (RCMS) is providing the following information related to the COVID-19 community screening that was held in Gualala on August 22, 2020. All COVID-19 screening tests conducted at the August 22, 2020 screening came back negative. Labs are making significant progress in turnaround time. We are expecting test results to come back within 5 days going forward. We would like to use this opportunity to remind all our community members that the number of coronavirus cases continues to increase. Please remain vigilant and follow the Public Health guidelines: · Wear your mask. · Wash hands frequently and avoid touching your face. · Avoid unnecessary travel. · Avoid congregating and socializing in groups outside of your family/social bubble. If you believe you have been exposed to a person with COVID19, and are without symptoms, please contact the Coronavirus Hotline at (707) 234-6052 for information about free screening opportunities. If you become sick with any symptoms of Coronavirus (fevers, chills, cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, loss of taste or smell, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea) please contact RCMS at (707) 884-4005 and a triage nurse will guide you in further care. Please take care and stay safe. Stay up to date on the latest RCMS news and updates. Subscribe to The Pulse: https://www.rcms-healthcare.org/the-pulse.html RCMS Primary Care and Urgent Care are Open PLEASE CALL BEFORE YOU COME (707) 884-4005 |
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