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![]() The Gualala Community Pharmacy is losing their pharmacist and licensed pharmacy technician staff. The pharmacy owner has been trying to fill these positions; however, they have been unsuccessful. The Gualala Community Pharmacy will be closing soon. While the owner continues to search for new staff, they are proposing to fill prescriptions for the Gualala Community Pharmacy through their other location (Mendocino Coast Pharmacy) and deliver them through the former location in Gualala for pick up. However, this is not consistent with current pharmacy law. We are asking our Assemblymember Jim Wood to assist with a waiver request from the California State Board of Pharmacy for this unique circumstance. Without a pharmacy in Gualala, individuals in the South Coast area will have to travel to Fort Bragg, Guerneville or inland locations, which results in several hours of travel. The Gualala Community Pharmacy is a critical part of our local network for community health. ACTION Please email Assemblymember Jim Wood’s office and request that his office support and help facilitate a waiver request to the California State Board of Pharmacy so that the former Gualala Community Pharmacy location may continue to be a pickup location for patients’ medication. In particular, a waiver related to Section 1713 of California Pharmacy Law. Emails should be directed to: Emily Tecchio, Field Representative Assemblymember Jim Wood | District 2 [email protected] If you prefer to call, the number is 707-463-5770 ![]() The CalFresh Maximum Allotment was temporarily increased by 15% in January 2021. This increase is ending September 30th and a 25% increase is starting! The USDA announced that there will be a 25% increase to SNAP benefits beginning on Oct.1, 2021. Need help applying or have questions about whether or not you qualify for the CalFresh program? Call the RCMS CalFresh enrollment specialists, Harm Wilkinson at (707) 882-2189 x 124 or Javier Chavez at (707) 884-9670 (se habla Español). ![]() RCMS will be offering free COVID-19 testing for asymptomatic individuals (no COVID-19 symptoms) on Thursday, August 26 from 2 PM to 5 PM at the Gualala Clinic at 46900 Ocean Drive. No appointment necessary. This will be a BINAXNow "Rapid Test" and results will be available in approximately 15 minutes. If you have COVID-19 symptoms please DO NOT come to this event. Symptomatic individuals can call RCMS at 707-884-4005 for additional information on testing. Typical COVID-19 symptoms include:
El 20 de agosto de 2021, el Departamento de Salud hizo una distinción entre los pacientes que necesitan "terceras dosis" y los pacientes que necesitan "refuerzos" para su vacuna COVID-19.
RCMS ESTÁ INICIANDO TERCERAS DOSIS, NO DOSIS DE REFUERZO ¿Cuál es la diferencia? TERCERAS DOSIS: Los pacientes con ciertas afecciones médicas requieren una tercera dosis de vacuna para completar su vacuna porque tienen desafíos para su sistema inmunológico. Si tiene alguna de las siguientes afecciones médicas, califica para una tercera dosis de Pfizer o Moderna, y debe recibirla tan pronto como un mes después de su segunda dosis. Actualmente, SOLO las siguientes condiciones califican para una tercera dosis:
Si no está seguro de si su afección médica lo califica para recibir una tercera dosis, comuníquese con su proveedor de atención primaria. Cualquier paciente con una condición médica que califique para una tercera dosis puede presentarse a RCMS (o cualquier farmacia / centro que proporcione vacunas COVID-19) con la nota del médico correspondiente y puede recibir una tercera dosis de la vacuna COVID-19 ahora. RCMS está proporcionando vacunas COID-19 todos los días en el edificio de triaje frente a la Clínica Principal de Gualala, 46900 Ocean Drive, de 10:00 am a 2:00 pm de lunes a viernes y de 12:00 pm a 4:00 pm los fines de semana. DOSIS DE REFUERZO: Las dosis de refuerzo (para Pfizer y Moderna) también son una tercera vacuna. Es posible que, en última instancia, estén disponibles para todos los receptores de la vacuna. Es probable que las dosis de refuerzo se aprueben pronto y probablemente se proporcionen en el orden de las necesidades del paciente (por ejemplo, edad, profesión y afecciones médicas de alto riesgo). Aunque los CDC y el presidente han estado discutiendo la necesidad de futuras dosis de refuerzo, el Oficial de Salud Pública del Condado y el Departamento de Salud Pública de California aún no han aprobado las dosis de refuerzo. Como tal, RCMS no ofrece dosis de refuerzo. On August 20, 2021 the Health Department made a distinction between patients needing “third doses” and patients needing “boosters” for their COVID-19 vaccine.
RCMS IS NOW INITIATING THIRD DOSES – NOT BOOSTER DOSES What is the difference? THIRD DOSES: Patients with certain medical conditions require a third vaccine dose to complete their vaccine because they have challenges to their immune system. If you have any of the following medical conditions, you qualify for a third Pfizer or Moderna dose, and should get this as early as one month following your second dose. Currently, ONLY the following conditions qualify for a third dose:
If you are uncertain if your medical condition qualifies you to get a third dose, please contact your primary care provider. Any patient with a third dose qualifying medical condition can present to RCMS (or any pharmacy/facility providing COVID-19 vaccines) with appropriate doctor’s note and can receive a third COVID-19 vaccine dose now. RCMS is providing COID-19 vaccines daily in the triage building in front of the Gualala Main Clinic, 46900 Ocean Drive, from 10 AM to 2 PM on weekdays, and 12 noon to 4 PM on weekends. BOOSTER DOSES: Booster doses (for Pfizer and Moderna) are also a third vaccine. They may ultimately will be available to all vaccine recipients. Booster doses likely will be approved soon and will likely be provided in order of patient need (e.g., age, profession, and high risk medical conditions). Although the CDC and the President have been discussing the need for future booster doses, County Public Health Officer and California Department of Public Health have not approved booster doses yet. As such RCMS is not offering booster doses. ![]() Redwood Coast Medical Services (RCMS) is now offering COVID-19 third shots and booster doses to individuals meeting certain criteria. THIRD DOSE: If you are immunocompromised and need a third dose to complete your three shot series, you can get a third MODERNA or PFIZER shot with a doctor’s order. This can be given one month or more after your second shot. Please bring your vaccine card. BOOSTER DOSE: Booster shots have been approved for PFIZER recipients only, if it has been more than six months from your first vaccine, and you meet the following criteria: Older than 65 or you have history of heart/lung/kidney disease, diabetes, overweight/obesity, cancer, dementia, Down syndrome, HIV infection, liver disease, pregnancy, sickle cell disease, thalassemia, stroke or substance abuse. Persons in high risk/high public exposure professions, including health care providers, EMS workers, firefighters/first responders, and grocery store workers can also get their booster dose. Where and when you can get a third dose or booster dose: At the RCMS Gualala Main Clinic Monday and Fridays, 11:00 am to 5:00 pm RCMS Gualala Main Clinic Screening House, 46900 Ocean Drive, Gualala No appointment needed; walk in only. Please bring your vaccine card. Special Joint Flu Shot/COVID-19 Flu Shot Clinic Event October 2, 2021, 9:00 am to noon South Coast Volunteer Fire Department, 39215 Church Street, Gualala Please bring your vaccine card. At a doctor’s appointment Call RCMS at 707-884-4005 if you need to schedule an appointment with your provider. Please bring your vaccine card. Answers to this question and more are always available on the Vaccine Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) page. Click the button to read the latest edition of The Pulse. If you would like to receive this directly to your email inbox you can also subscribe here. This information is also posted on the website here.
Mendonoma Health Alliance provides free health screenings including cholesterol, blood pressure, and A1c. Screenings are available by appointment, and this month, they will also be out in the community in key locations. See the flyer below for details. For more information call (707) 412-3176 x 102 or visit www.mendonomahealth.org.
Mendonoma Health Alliance, in conjunction with the Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office, will be hosting two Prescription Drug take Back events on:
August 26, 2021 Gualala 9:00 am – 12:00 pm Gualala Community Pharmacy – Parking lot Point Arena 12:30 pm – 3:30 pm Main Street – Next to the MTA bus stop downtown These are drive-thru events where you can drop-off your unused, expired and/or unwanted prescriptions for safe disposal. For more information call (707) 412-3176 x 102 or visit www.mendonomahealth.org. |
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