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![]() RCMS has immediate openings for Front Desk staff, Clinic Practice Manager, and a Registered Dental Hygienist. See details job descriptions on the Careers page. RCMS is also putting out a call for housing in order to support the needs of medical staff. We are in need of: 1 – 1 bed/1 bath rental – (Manchester to Timber Cove) 1 – 2 bed/2 bath rental – (Manchester to Timber Cove) If you have information on available housing, or want to know more about open positions, please call Human Resources 707.884.4853 or click here to email. ![]() Redwood Coast Medical Services (RCMS) will host another community COVID-19 vaccine clinic this weekend: Date: Saturday, March 20, 2021 (8:00 AM to noon) Location: South Coast Fire Department building at 39125 Church Street in Gualala This an invitation-only clinic. Do not come to this event unless you have received an invitation. This event is for both first dose and second dose Moderna vaccines. RCMS is in the process of sending out invitations to this vaccination clinic. If you received your invitation, please bring your photo ID to the event. The event will be for community members in Health Department defined tier groups: anyone over 65 years old; people with specific chronic medical conditions (including cancer, heart disease, lung disease on oxygen, diabetes and morbid obesity); and people employed in certain professions (health care workers, first responders, lodging workers, restaurant/grocery store workers, caregivers, childcare workers, school/education personnel, agriculture workers, utility workers and mass transit workers). If you are awaiting your second Moderna vaccine, and it has been more than 4 weeks from your first vaccine, and you have not yet received an invitation, please contact RCMS for an appointment at [email protected] . Also, please also check your email junk/spam folder to make sure it has not gone in there accidentally. If you have not yet registered to receive your vaccine locally with RCMS please do so at this link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/KYGPTVS (ENGLISH) https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/RR7XJMN (SPANISH) If you have registered with us but have since received your vaccine elsewhere please email [email protected] so that we can remove you from our list. Thank you to Coast Life Support District, local fire departments and our community volunteers for assisting at these events. ![]() The Redwood Coast Medical Services (RCMS) Children’s Book Program is a child literacy program coordinated by Dr. Afsoon Foorohar with the help of generous donations from the community. Every child will now receive a book as a part of their Annual Wellness visit. Studies have long shown that connecting with children through activities like singing or reading significantly improves language development and is good for their overall wellbeing. We are happy to improve their access to books through this program. RCMS extends a big thank you to community members Barbara Scott, Barbara Forenti, Lorraine Lipani, and Jocelyn Smith who were instrumental in getting this program started. We would also like to thank Four-Eyed Frog Books who supports this program and assists in supplying our books at a discounted rate. If you are interested in contributing a new children’s book to this program (English and Spanish titles are welcome) or making a donation for the purchase of books, you can do so via the RCMS Children’s Book Program at Four-Eyed Frog Books in Gualala. https://www.foureyedfrog.com/ ![]() Redwood Coast Medical Services (RCMS) will host another community COVID-19 vaccine clinic this weekend: Date: Saturday, March 13, 2021 (8:00 AM to 3:30 PM) Location: South Coast Fire Department building at 39125 Church Street in Gualala This an invitation-only clinic. Do not come to this event unless you have received an invitation. This event is for both first dose and second dose Moderna vaccine. RCMS is in the process of sending out invitations to this vaccination clinic soon. If you received your invitation, please bring your photo ID to the event. The event will be for community members from Phase 1A all tiers and Phase 1B, newly eligible groups include ages 65+ and lodging workers plus patients with disabilities or comorbidities. For specific details on the current county guidelines please visit https://www.mendocinocounty.org/community/novel-coronavirus/covid-19-vaccinations If you have not yet registered to receive your vaccine locally with RCMS please do so by at this link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/KYGPTVS (ENGLISH) https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/RR7XJMN (SPANISH) If you have registered with us but have since received your vaccine elsewhere please email [email protected] so that we can remove you from our list. Thank you to Coast Life Support District, local fire departments and our community volunteers for assisting at these events. ![]() Redwood Coast Medical Services (RCMS) will host another community COVID-19 vaccine clinic this weekend: Date: Saturday, March 6, 2021 (9 AM to 2 PM) Location: South Coast Fire Department building at 39125 Church Street in Gualala This an invitation-only clinic. Do not come to this event unless you have received an invitation. RCMS will be sending out invitations to this vaccination clinic soon. If you received your invitation, please bring your photo ID to the event. The event will be for community members from Phase 1A all tiers and Phase 1B, newly eligible groups include ages 65+ and lodging workers plus patients with disabilities or comorbidities. For specific details on the current county guidelines please visit: https://www.mendocinocounty.org/community/novel-coronavirus/covid-19-vaccinations If you have not yet registered to receive your vaccine locally with RCMS please do so by at this link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/KYGPTVS (ENGLISH) https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/RR7XJMN (SPANISH) If you have registered with us but have since received your vaccine elsewhere please email [email protected] so that we can remove you from our list. Thank you to Coast Life Support District, local fire departments and our community volunteers for assisting at these events. Oz Farm is now doing Market Match. This means that EBT card holders can purchase Organic produce baskets from OZ Farm.
If an EBT card holder purchases up to $30 worth of food, they will actually receive up to $60 worth of produce. Oz farm is seasonal, and there is a number to call on the image above for more information. You can also use your EBT at the other Farmer’s markets listed and get double value for what they purchase. If you have never applied for CalFresh, and want to learn more, visit the RCMS CalFresh page. Dr. Andrew Coren, Mendocino County Public Health Officer announced today that all logging industry personnel are now included in the current Agricultural Workers vaccination tier, making them immediately eligible for vaccination as vaccine events become available.
“We are hoping that all the farmers, ranchers and food producers of Mendocino County will take advantage of the upcoming vaccine events,” notes Darcie Antle, Mendocino County Vaccine Coordinator. Additionally, a posting on Mendocino County’s Facebook page mistakenly included “Lodging” personnel as part of the current vaccination group. “We would like to clarify that this group was erroneously included with the individuals currently eligible for vaccination,” says Dr. Coren. “If there are lodging personnel who are directly involved in the preparation of food and/or food services, those persons are eligible for vaccinations now,” he continues. Dates and times for vaccination events are being posted as soon as they are scheduled on the county’s website. In the coming week, two “First-Dose” clinics will be held for Phase 1A, Tiers 1 and 2of Phase 1B, which includes Agricultural, Logging Industry Workers and those over 65 years of age. The vaccination events are scheduled for Monday and Wednesday, March 1stand March 3rd. Both vaccine events are located at the Redwood Empire Fairgrounds in Ukiah. To sign up for either of these events, please visit or log on at the County's vaccine portal or https://www.mendocinocounty.org/community/novel-coronavirus/covid-19-vaccinations/vaccination-clinics. Appointments may also be made by calling the Covid-19 Call Center at (707) 472-2663or (707) 472-2759. |
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