Falls are the #1 reason our ambulances are dispatched in the District and 75% require a transport to the hospital. Falls are the #1 cause of injury sending our seniors to the hospital emergency rooms in both Sonoma and Mendocino Counties. At the national level, 1 in 3 Americans aged 65+ falls each year. Injuries from falls impede or threaten our ability to return to an independent lifestyle. Falls however, are NOT a part of normal aging and we CAN do something to prevent them.
Collaborating partners include CLSD, RCMS, Coast Seniors, Aging in Place Mendonoma, local area strength and balance training resources, and the Area Agency on Aging in Sonoma County covering Irish Beach to Timber Cove. Our goal is enhancing the safe and independent qualify of life of our senior Mendonoma community by reducing falls and their related injuries and by educating seniors on the frequency and outcome of falls. Many falls are preventable. The following tips can help keep you safe:
For more information:
Coastal Seniors: (707) 882-2137 Strength and Balance Training Denny:(707) 785-2208 Visit the following websites: Coastal Seniors www.coastalseniors.org Aging in Place Mendonoma www.aginginplacemendonoma.org Downloadable Resources: